Laz refuses to change her appearance for her son.

Laz’s newly discovered son David asked him to give up her appearance if he wants to have a relationship with him. David was devastated to find Laz dressed as a woman after he had worn gloves and a suit and no make up during their first and second meeting. It took a lot for Laz to make that decision considering he had asked Ntombi for the chance to appeal to him. Laz hopes that David will accept him the way he is.



Faith appears to have bonded with Mampho over the Zwide grandchild. She told her she will remain in her corner if she stopped her manipulation tactics. Mampho still has a hard time with Nkosi and Zanele though, they don’t want her. Shoki and Nkosi have vowed to never allow Mampho to break them up, whatever happens. I’m really rooting for Mampho now. She has nobody and Zanele and Nkosi are treating her so badly. I hope she will come out from this stronger. Very interesting in seeing the rest of the character arc.

It was nice to see Bra Carter again. The guy was very hard on Shoki and Nomsa the last time we saw him but he was always charismatic and funny but also able to turn deadly in an instant. He is much scarier than Isaac though the two are supposed to be thugs of equal rank, at least in the past. Carter helped Molefe recover the items Dorothy lost during the mugging last week.

Zanele used Faith’s attitude towards Nkosi regarding his responsibilities towards Mampho’s child to ask after her own father. Faith was not having it,warning her that it will only cause her pain. Zanele was adamant though but Faith was equally adamant in not telling her. What if Isaac is Zanele’s father? That would be a massive plot twist wouldn’t it?

Molefe and Soka are still not in good terms after Dorothy’s mugging. Soka though believes that the relationship will be repaired in time. Ona and Soka’s relationship is starting to appeal to me though I’m not sure why.

Can’t wait to see what happens with Laz and David.

Let’s meet Monday.