Interesting facts about Khusela Diko’s Age Milestones and How She Is Coping With Her Husband’s Death

Khusela Diko is a South African politician who has experienced both the good and ugly sides of life. The quadragenarian has held high positions in the kingdom’s leadership, married a King, been accused of corruption, and died as a widow after her young spouse was killed. Her life, which had been joyful, rich, and hopeful before, now appears to be taking an unexpected turn.



It’s difficult to cope with the death of a loved one, especially when the person in question was your childhood husband. Diko lost her spouse just as she needed him the most, when their company, Royal Bhaca, was under investigation and her political career was on the line. At this moment, his death came as a huge shock to her, as she needed his help more than ever. For her, everything has been difficult. She is, nonetheless, a strong woman who is coping while regaining her footing.
Khusela Diko is a well-known female politician in South Africa.

Although it is stated that life begins at the age of 40, Khusela Diko’s journey began much earlier. In 1979, Khusela was born into a wealthy household. Her father was a well-known lawyer who ran a practice that is credited with producing some of the top lawyers in the country today, and her mother was a teacher.

Her grandmother and mother urged her to pursue politics when she graduated from the University of South Africa (UNISA), where she studied Commerce for her first degree. She rose through the ranks of the ruling African National Congress (ANC), serving as a member of the ANC Gauteng Provincial Executive Committee, Chief Director of Communications for the Gauteng Provincial Government, and eventually the President of South Africa’s spokeswoman.

The most remarkable aspect of Khusela Diko’s political career is that she achieved all of her political goals in South Africa before the age of 40. And the fact that she has succeeded despite being a woman in a male-dominated political field shows that success is possible if you put in the effort.

What’s even more incredible is that she married into a royal family and became a queen before turning 40. This reminded me of a Disney movie scene. Until life intervened, she had a flawlessly sculpted future in front of her eyes. In an instance, Diko went from one of South Africa’s most influential female politicians to a political outcast. She moved from being a queen to being a widow after marrying a young ruler. She is deserving of an Oscar award for her handling of these dreadful and terrible circumstances.
Her husband’s death, she said, tore her heart into a million pieces.

Everyone was shocked when Khusela Diko’s wife, Nkosi Thandisizwe Diko, died. He was only 42 years old at the time, and no one could have predicted his death. His wife appeared to be in agony, as sad and heartbroken as anyone could be.

Rethabile Matolweni presented a tribute she wrote for him during his memorial service, describing how it was the most difficult letter she had ever written and how the news of his death had crushed her heart into a million pieces. He vowed she would never be abandoned, and she never anticipated him to abandon her so swiftly, she said.

She went on to add that her husband lived his life as if it could end tomorrow, and that she had spent seven years with him in love. Apart from herself, everyone else had nothing but positive things to say about him. Khusela Diko has been silent on Instagram since his death, and she hasn’t posted any photos as she typically does. She seemed to be still trying to put her life back together.
At the age of 39, Khusela Diko married Nkosi in the traditional way.

In December 2018, Khusela Diko married her late husband in a traditional ceremony that was hailed the “Wedding of the Year” by many. The two-day ceremony began on December 14th in Khusela’s village of AbaThembu and ended on December 15th in KwaBhaca, her husband’s hamlet.

Individuals in both kingdoms refer to their wedding as more than just a union of two people; it is the reunion of two previously feuding kingdoms. The bride and groom, as well as the guests, dressed in traditional wedding attire.

The wedding was attended by major political heavyweights such as the then-Deputy Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, the Minister of Public Works, ANC elites, and royalties from around the country. Her lobola was taken two weeks after the wedding for an undisclosed amount, despite the fact that it held 24 animals. The criminals were swiftly apprehended and arrested.

We don’t know how they met, but we know it happened three years ago.fore their conventional wedding and that they were legally married two years before tying the knot. Furthermore, no information concerning the couple’s children has surfaced since their wedding.