beautiful pictures of Uzalo actress Lilly in real life

Noxolo Mathula is a South African actress who is part of the cast of the popular soapie Uzalo. She portrays the role of Lillian “Lilly” Dongwe, a police officer of Kwamashu. The 28 year old has proven her acting skills on Mzansi Magic’s drama series Ehostela, as Fikephethwe. She has also featured in numerous television shows, which has gained her a number of followers on social media.
















Noxolo Mathula is a model and also into music. When she’s not on stage acting, the actress is cat walking in fashion shows. Her hardworking energy has really payed off because last year October, Mathula spoiled herself with a new set of wheels. The lovely actress is also an entrepreneur who sells hotdogs, hotdogs by Noxolo as she calls them.

When it comes to style, Mathula loves casual wear with a bit of adventure. Her Instagram account has over 200k followers.

Here are 20 pictures of the actress looking beautiful, in no particular order.