Sis Thembi Exposed Friend That Talks About Her Friend’s Secrets To Her Family In #Dlozlami

The episode that aired yesterday was another spicy one that got folks talking. A young lady wrote to Thembi since things aren’t going well in her life, but she decided to bring a friend because she’ll need someone to weep to.

Thembi has exposed a buddy who is discussing sensitive family issues with her family. You can count on Thembi to reveal you, and she will. The lady has stated that she will not tell her family about her acquaintance.


So this girl exploits her friend’s grief as a source of amusement at home? This is why, and I don’t blame them, most people don’t have friends. That friend had been discussing her daughter’s problems with her family, but she had denied it. Her mother is now questioning her buddy directly.

I’m hoping she doesn’t tell the friend anything because the underground gang is aware of everything. Stop sharing things with your FRIENDS because they will tell their family and are untrustworthy. There will be fewer friends, and you will have to rely on yourself more.


When it comes to friends, people must decide with whom they want to share their deepest secrets. You can’t trust everyone with your problems. It’s beneficial to have someone with whom you can express your problems because it gives you time to mend. However, some people may be offended to learn that the person with whom you’re talking your problems is also sharing them with her family.

This is another reason why many people choose to keep their concerns to themselves rather than sharing them. The problem is that they acquire depression and eventually commit suicide.