Popular TV presenter dumps eTV show

The free-to -air channel, eTV has just lost a golden presenter, the award winning one for that matter as she has officially bid the show goodbye.

She is not just a mere TV presenter but a very talented one and this is evident because of her award, the South African Film and Television Award of a best TV presenter in 2018.

When she made a move from presenting the lifestyle show which was on SABC 3, Trending SA and went to present the news show on eTV,The Morning Show, that is when I knew how great she is.


After having been at the eTV for a year, now Moloi has left it to pursue other interests.

She revealed that she was back in school, studying entreprenuership through the School of Entrepreneurship.

Moloi is officially taking the plunge into the business sector and she will also be pursuing other aspects of her entreprenuerial journey and other interests in media.

Last week Thursday, was her last day on the show.

Moloi revealed that she has been planning the move for a few months and will be targeting digital spaces. She will be taking what she has learnt in broadcasting and applying it to the new age of media.

The good news is that she is not leaving radio as she will continue to host The Weekend Breakfast show on Power FM.
