Amanda Dupont and her sisters support their father in recent post.

Charity begins at home. That’s one saying we have all grown be accustomed to. We learn everything at home, from how we behave to everything else. That’s why when a child misbehaves, it is a reflection of their home. No behavior comes from no where.


Amanda Dupont is one of the most hardworking and down to earth celebrities. She minds her own business and makes sure it is successful. The actress, television presenter and businesswoman is amongst the best in the country.

She shared a picture of herself and her sister supporting their father who is the president of the federation of eSwatini Business Community. “Dad and his girls 🖤really a privilege to give you the same support you have given us growing up. Last night supporting you in your role as President of the Federation of eSwatini Business Community at the Vusumnotfo Expo Business Dinner.” Now wer know where his girls get their working ethics.