A Woman must be Taller, Guy causes a stir after Spotting this in These Pictures

A Woman must be Taller, Guy causes a stir after Spotting this in These Pictures

There is this notion that a guy should always be taller then his girlfriend, or this thing that girls like to say about being attracted and loving tall guys, or guy just taller then them, but that is not always the case as somtimes love does not choose, or the heart doesn’t always choose whom it falls in love with.




Some guys are not ashamed of dating women that are taller then them, or are the same hight but get taller when they are wearing hills. In my opinion these guys are true man and don’t let society dictate who they love based on their hight, and choose to love whom ever they want to love without being intimidated by it.

A guy has posted pictures of some guys and their partners, and in all of the pictures the ladies are slightly tallee then they guys, especially when they are wearing hills, and they all looked happy and one in particular is rapper and musian Khuli Chana and his wife who is a Dj, influencer, and radio host Dj Lamiez, and we know for a fact that they are happy together and have a private and fruitful marriage.