What Are You Doing In My House”, Zola7 Asks DJ Cleo

For the first time, the nation has united to assist someone while he is still alive. Zola7 has been off our screens for the longest time now. He tried to make a come back on our screens, doing a show called Utatakho, but it didn’t end well for him. The show was given to someone else, after he had shot few episodes.




We then saw him on MacG’s podcast, where he spoke about almost everything including his career and personal life. He had disclosed that he has epilepsy, and he has been struggling with it for the longest time. He even mentioned that he was also involved in a car accident because of epilepsy.

There has been a number of people who have come out to support the movement on assisting the legendary musician to get back to his normal health condition. There were a number of people who have showed concern regarding his weight loss and how he looks in general.

A number of people have stepped in to assist, or just pay a visit. DJ Cleo, and Zola7 have been friends from way back. He visited Zola7 unannounced apparently. When Zola arrived in his house, he asked what DJ Cleo was doing in his house. DJ Cleo then said he doesn’t need permission/ a reason to visit or to show him how much he loves him.