Uzalo| Rafael is back from prison and he is forced to betray Nkunzi

The notorious Durban gangster Rafael is out of prison and he has been given tough instruction to betray Nkuzi so that he can pay Sibonelo’s sins after stealing Abbas’s diamond and cutting his hand, and now the dangerous man who has lost his hand is out for vengeance.




How will Nkunzi deal with the issue because he has been warning Sibonelo about the consequences of stealing from this man, and now they are forced to go on a war with the dangerous people that might destroy their whole family and take all their businesses in Kwamashu.

It will be a hectic week for the Mhlongos because they are going on a serious war again, but a special thanks must go to Nyawo because he has just warned them about this whole issue so that they can prepare themselves, but it wi be sad for Nkunzi because some of his trusted soldiers are in prison.