Solphenduka wants to be paid 200k for a radio show

Solphenduka from the Podcast and Chill with MacG was on the Heavy Hitters show on SABC 1 and he was asked what amount he would want to get paid if an offer for a radio show came his way and he wanted 200k. It is a huge amount for his worth and when he was still on radio before with MacG, he was earning less than 50k. He revealed his payment from radio as MacG asked him on his network.




Chillers watched the show after it was announced and even Chris Excel said they would be watching Solphenduka’s interview. He was asked about MacG and he told them that he could not answer for MacG and that he would answer all those questions himself. Even with the chillers, they are not disputing the 200k amount because they know Solphenduka’s performance from the podcast.

He also said podcasts are the future, but it would not kill radio completely because radio is more accessible and you can listen to it at anytime. With the podcast, even though it is the new wave, it is broadcasting at a certain time only. Solphenduka worked with DJ Fresh and when he left from one radio station to the other, his listeners went with him to the next radio station and show.

Solphenduka is making the same move as DJ Fresh because the chillers from the podcast are behind him. It is about loyalty they have for him and he should appreciate such enormous support for him. Surely, with DJ Fresh, if he gets another radio show, his listeners would follow him to that radio station.

Solphenduka made a great move by joining the podcast with MacG and the chillers loves it because there is no filter within the space. People talk about themselves as much as they want and now Solphenduka is being certified as the King of Puns by chillers. He is not just doing well alone on the show, but with MacG, Ghost Lady and the crew. Hopefully, Solphenduka will get a radio gig.