Is Natasha Thahane’s pregnancy photoshopped? Fans want answers



Natasha Thahane got everyone surprised after she announced her pregnancy.

Natasha Thahane got everyone surprised after she announced her pregnancy.

The star has been trending and many of her fans have taken to their social media to celebrate her.

However, after the news, many are not convinced it’s real, and one has gone to some lengths to discredit the news.
A Twitter user going by @RealMrumaDrive (Rumani) recently took to the platform to say that he had photoshopped Natasha’s pregnancy. He asked followers how they could have truly believed the picture to be real in the first place.
He further went on to pose a question: how could she already be 7 months pregnant in two months?

See tweet below:

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Natasha Tha

Natasha Thahane got everyone surprised after she announced her pregnancy.

The star has been trending and many of her fans have taken to their social media to celebrate her.

However, after the news, many are not convinced it’s real, and one has gone to some lengths to discredit the news.
A Twitter user going by @RealMrumaDrive (Rumani) recently took to the platform to say that he had photoshopped Natasha’s pregnancy. He asked followers how they could have truly believed the picture to be real in the first place.
He further went on to pose a question: how could she already be 7 months pregnant in two months?

See tweet below:

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Natasha Tha

The star has been trending and many of her fans have taken to their social media to celebrate her.

However, after the news, many are not convinced it’s real, and one has gone to some lengths to discredit the news.

A Twitter user going by @RealMrumaDrive (Rumani) recently took to the platform to say that he had photoshopped Natasha’s pregnancy. He asked followers how they could have truly believed the picture to be real in the first place.
He further went on to pose a question: how could she already be 7 months pregnant in two months?

See tweet below: