Ntando Duma shows off the house she has built for herself and her daughter. Fans sing her praises

No matter what happens in life stay true to yourself and focus on your goals. One thing about life is that it’s not everyone who is going to like you. Hence pleasing everyone is a waste of time. Build yourself and do things that make you happy at the end of the day.






Ntando Duma is a hard working woman. The actress and television presenter has starred on a number of shows and have her best. Although some critics think she can’t act, she brushes them off on focuses on herself. She built her mother a house, bought herself a Mercedes Benz A200 last year.

It seems she’s more focused than people think. The young lady has posted a picture of her beautiful house, which she once told her fans she was busy with. Now it is done and it is beautiful. Many of her fans and industry colleagues sang their praises about her. Congratulations are in order on her new home.