Sello Maake Ka Ncube reveals how his ex made him suffer

Sello Maake Ka Ncube says that he is going to take his own story to the public and tell it himself because he does not want to be threatened by it anymore. The actor says that his ex-wife caused him so much damage, and lost him a lot of

“Let’s learn to do research and know our rights!! If the courts agree with me the 8 months will be null and void! I’m doing this for my humanity and to reclaim my dignity! My children have watched me roll over and play dead because people threatened to take my matters to the media all the time, now I’m writing my story and my own truth”, Sello wrote in a post on Instagram.Sello Maake Ka-Ncube aims to fight GBV through 'Mzansi Act Now'





“Let God be the judge…The reputational damage that my ex-wife caused me is insane, I won’t even mention the loss of revenue! God willing I’ll have this matter resolved by end of March, for now, please allow me to vent, I have been silent for far too long”, Sello continued.

Luckily, Sello has one of the loving and consideration supportive wives, and she made sure to make it known to the public that she will be his side forever, and the situation that her husband is going through could have easily been her and her exes.

“Be careful who you marry, who you decide to join yourself with. Some may carry joy and peace and some will present themselves as wolves in the form of sheep carrying discourage and depression, and altogether, a dark cloud”, said Sello’s wife.

It is a good thing and I am happy that Sello has a wife who is there to support him and show him that she will be by his side and not leave him just because he went through something with his ex. May she continue being there for him, and make sure that he is well.