Black Coffee could be in trouble see pictures

Nkosinathi Innocent Sizwe Maphumulo, born on the 11 match 1976 aged 45 better known by his stage name, black coffee. He Is a South African international DJ, record producer and Songwriter. Popularly known for his incredible DJ’ing skills. He was however married to Enhle Mbali,





one of the most influential actresses in South Africa. Black coffee posted on his Twitter account a week ago that “if at this point, taking my life will make you happy then go ahead. So then that is worrying his fans because there are mental health conspiracies that are going on in the country.Its then that his fans are noticing something different and they pray that he does not take his life. The whole situation of celebrities escaping depression through death is scaring fans, to a point where every post should have a meaning. So most fans are pleading with their celebrities that if needs be , they should see a therapist because their deaths are very sudden and scary.