Khuzani Mpungose Reveals A Major Problem Maskandi Artists Are Facing

‘The only company that we used to distribute CD copies for us Jetline is closing down, the only warehouse that used to collect our CDs is closing down.

Universal Music which distributes my music stated that they are withdrawing from making CD copies. Musica store that sells music was closed last year. Another company that used to distribute my music, CPT was closed down.



The only store we have left is Dakota but we used to send copies by hand after making them because they don’t have a warehouse anymore.

Therefore this means we have to find a strategy as to how we going to face this tough situation, it’s clear that the future of the type of music we do is in the hands of Digital stores. Otherwise we will keep you updated on how the situation could be solved but it looks like we are facing a huge problem.’ Stated Khuzani Mpungose on his social media posts.