See What Alfios Is Going To Do To The Magongwas

The beast in Alfios comes out, staggering the Magongwa couple. He nailed it by envisioning, it looks so certifiable. He was reviewing everything all along, he was just playing with their cerebrums. Alfios had nailed it by envisioning, it looks so certifiable and many confided in him. Momentarily I similarly thought he was lying until I see that his not lying yet he lost memory.

After last episode Alfios got Magongwa and Celia Kunutu discussing the money which is a direct result of them. Alfios started to review an out what happened in that feign. Things will weaken for Magongwa and his life partner



Alfios shouldn’t have say anything to them. He out to have been convoluted and gotten back with the police. By and by he’s giving those two to control and hoodwink him. Alfios didn’t have to tell them however rather go straightforwardly to Babeile and let him in on that now he has reestablished his memory. He should have told him how magongwa pushed you.

Alfios should make those two lovebirds pay for the damnation how they treated him. They should surrender that business to him, whole of it on the other hand if they dont, send them to detain. We really want see him rich, I wana see yo dream about falling in luv with Glenda fulfilled. Magongwa will go crazy when he finally challenge him that he has gain his memory. After all that he has done he ought to be demolished.

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