Look at Susan from Muvhango in real life, Pictures of herself

Susan is one of the most famous South African actresses. She has been involved in the local SABC2 drama series Muvhango for many years. The name

Susan is real, not her real name, but her best known character.














The South African actress was not fortunate to find other jobs or roles in other telenovela or drama series, either domestically or anywhere in the world. But she is proud to be able to play her role in a local drama series for many years.

Not many people are familiar with the personal life of an actress Mvango.

Well, her real name is Maumera Muffwa. She was born on March 16, 1980. Next month she will celebrate her 42nd birthday. She has grown a lot, but it’s hard to tell when she’s seen on TV.

She has been acting as the character for longer then a decade now, she deserves an award for her skills.