Operation Dudula A Great Success

Since the former African National Congress Youth League President, Commander In Chief Julius Sello Malema formed his own party, he was shifting alone with no challenge.

Immediately after the founding of the Economic Freedom Fighters, Julius Malema was so vocal and seems determining of political landscape of the country.

Without any reasonable doubt or fear or favour, he was having huge influence on decisions even taken by rulling party. But now mzanzi believes that he is nolonger walking tall alone.

“Malema has met his match in #PutSouthAficansFirst. He is losing the battle as he hopelessly fights for his foreigners.”, Mzanzi reacted.

Many South Africans are not in agreement with what Julius Sello Malema want regarding foreigners but fully behind Put South Africa first movement and operation Dulula whom now are the one influencing government and private sector in the issue of foreigners walking in the republic of South Africa.