70-year-old Grandmother Who Amazingly Looks Half Her Age.

Turning 70 must be a big deal, you are now considered a grandmother because all your kids are adults and have children who call you granny. You body is no longer as flexible, you can’t eat everything like you used to and also your sense of style changes to comfort.

But the woman in this article looks nothing like a grandmother, instead she looks like someone in her gorgeous 30’s. Her name is Norma Williams and she refuses to look her age.

Norma confuses many people when they look at her, she looks nothing like a 70-year-old but indeed she is and she credits her great body and skin to a healthy lifestyle, exercise, lots of water and a nice glass of wine.









Norma only started to live a healthier lifestyle later in her 40’s when she realised that her metabolism has slowed down, her body was drastically changing and she was ageing. So she started being active, eating healthy and considering her calorie intake on a daily basis. She does however eat junk food but on a limited basis.

So like they say, “age is just a number” and for Norma….that is her life!

In conclusion, always look after your body and love yourself. A simple jog, walk, less junk food and lots of water can improve your life and keep you looking younger for a long time just like Norma!

Here Are More Pictures Of 70-year-old Norma William looking half her age: