pictures of Jackie, Ms Hlongwane from Gomora, one of the most adored actresses in Soapville

pictures of Jackie, Ms Hlongwane from Gomora, one of the most adored actresses in Soapville

Leera Mthethwa is an upcoming force to reckoned with. She hails from South Africa. Leera acquired her Bachelor of Arts in Live Performance from AFDA, The South African School of Motion Picture Medium and Live Performance where she focused on honing her screen acting skills and abilit







ies among many other talents.

This multi faceted beauty also obtained her Honours in Film and Drama from the University of Pretoria, in an attempt to diversify her portfolio and to not only be acknowledged as an actress but to be granted the chance to indulge in Theatre should the opportunity presents itself.

With 4 years under her belt as a supporting MC, actress and TV presenter, what Leera lacks in experience she compensates for with passion, commitment and consistency. With several South African languages rolling off her tongue, including Afrikaans, Leera can entertain, humour and engage with the audiences at large and captivate them even further with her enchanting voice.

Leera has featured in several drama series. She plays the role of Lillian in Soul City, she acts the character of Thandeka in Prince Music and she plays Ms Hlongwane in Gomora. Leera who takes on the reigns as the brand new TV presenter of SABC 2’s season 2 of Psalted, believed in allowing her passion to drive her proffession seemingly being passionate about her craft, people and excellence seems a formidable and winning combination to say the least.

Leera Mthethwa is an asset and investment to any brand, organisation or cause. She was born in Pretoria but currently resides in Joburg. She takes advantage of her plump figure by being a plus sized model.