LadyDu Crying For Help As She Is Fighting With Her Management

People might think that this celebrities their Life are so easy. So many of them are fighting depression behind closed doors because of the things that they are going through. Mostly of these celebrities they are suffering because of their management. As long as you want to be at the top then you will have to be under someone and those people will control you to the core. If you find out that the management does not like you then you will have a lot of problems. Some if this artist do not get the money that they deserve because their management takes a lot of money.


Some of these management are using artist to make money. They know that you want them so that you can be at the top. Artist like King Monada does not have management he is doing everything on his own. This is one of the reasons why they do not like him. This is one of the the reasons why his songs can never be used as song of the year. Some of these artists are going through lot and because they are public figures they cannot tell their stories. Recently LadyDu has been trending lately after she was separated with her husband. Sometimes it is best to let go if things are not going well. Her husband said that his wife has been experiencing witchcraft.

She posted on Twitter that she regret the day she signed up with the management. Apparently lately she thought that she does not have gigs. Her Management has been telling people that she is not available. She was devasted and also others confirmed on Twitter that they have been told that she is not available. She lost lot of money. What shocking is that the management is the one who get the payments for her.

This is sad and heartbreaking.