Dj Finzo Looking Amazing As He Gushes Over His Girlfriend

Dj Finzo and his person look good together without being jealous. Those who might says they are not will be showing their jealous. Dj Finzo recently took it to his Facebook page where he show off his girlfriend. The couple looks so good together and mzansi could not help but to gush over their love.

With caption: “Love you Nfanaka…that’s sweet and short ❤️” he wrote.


It’s the month of love and everyone deserve to love and to be loved. Regardless of the circumstances love is love and love is B

beautiful when you have a partner. It’s sad to those who had to spend a Valentine’s Day without their partners. We have seen many celebrities celebrating each other’s love in different way. The South

African Dj is one.amony celebrities who join number if other celebrities who had to celebrate their love.

Dj Finzo is one of famous dj in the country who have passion of music since he was young. He is a short and sweet as he love to say it. He may look younger but he is old. He is dwarf and this does not bother him at all. He is Dwarf but does not date people who are short like him.

Dj Finzo rose to fame when he appeared in #GiantOfTheCity where the show only features Dwarf people only. He also revealed it there during season finally that he does not date short people but his interest in tall woman. I guess he has a good reason because he was married to his wife for than 15 and they later decidred to go separate ways after having a 12 years àq daughter who looks like him but got the tall side from her mother.

Dj Finzo had been in a relationship with his current girlfriend for some times now. It’s not the first time he get to post his pictures with his girlfriend. Those who have been following him would noticed by now that the two are really in love and their love is growing each day. You can see by the smile that love is in the air.