Check Out Gorgeous Pictures Of Kuli Roberts Before And After Weight Loss

Since the death of SA presenter Kuli Roberts mzansi could not stop asking question what could have been went wrong. Because she was starting to get back to her old self after drastically weight loss.




SA presenter Kuli Roberts has been making headlines after th news brokes of her passing. According to one of the source it is said that she collapse but mzansi think otherwise not after her alarming weight loss.

According to the friend of Kuli who did jot want to be named, she said that the were just chilling at the gate together when Kuli just collapse. The cause her passing is still unknown, but the family said they will issue statement stating the cause for her death.

Some fans suspect that she could have been sick, following her weight loss. The actress used to look good and beautiful before losing weight. Since she list much weight she has not been confident like we used to to know her when she was presenting and being a journalist. Some fans believe that the weight aspect have hand in her passing but they could not conclude knowing that the family will issue a statement.

Kuli has been in the entertainment industry for decades now. She started her career as a journalist back on 2000s before coming to ig screen. She has done many TV show including being a presenter of The Real Goboza, Headlines and the one and only most loved show called Trending SA. She was a radio host on Kaya FM and actress popular known for her role in the Queen in Mzansi Magic show.

The actress was known as bubble person who is jot afraid to speaks her opinion. She had crazy side of her that keeps people listening and watching her even when they don’t want to.

She loved herself the way she was without any doubt. People tried to bring her down by criticizing her but she still stands out and believes to herself.