Makhadzi’s dancer Limpopo Boy posted pictures of his lookalike son.

Limpopo Boy real name Matome Mahlatse Robert Thoka is a South African professional dancer.He is famously known for being Makhadzi’s best dancer.His dance and moves are so unique and very heartmelting.In most of Makhadzi’s songs he is seen in the background dancing nicely.He appeared in many music videos dancing for other artists.He was born and raised in village called Botlokwa in Limpopo Province. His dancing career started to flourish when he moved to Pretoria in 2012.

The talented dancer, yesterday went to his facebook page and posted pictures with his handsome son.His son look like him the resemblance is too strong.

Its so heartwarming to see father’s to love their children to the fullest, giving them attention and always gushing over their offspring. Father child relationship is very important in building a child especially a boy child.

What are your thoughts about Limpopo Boy’s lookalike son ,did you notice the resemblance? Kindly leave your views by commenting below and do not forget to hit the share button.