Did you know Durban Gen actor Dr Bhengu Thokozisa Ziqubu was an Uber driver?

Numerous entertainers have drilled down into the fact that it is so elusive positions in media outlets. Subsequent to graduating, some end up doing different positions just with the goal that they can make money. The entertainer who plays Dr Bhengu in Durban Gen, Thokozisa Ziqubu, was a Uber Driver prior to stumbling upon the opportunity of a lifetime on Durban Gen.

Thokozisa Ziqubu has gotten serious about his life before his job in Durban Gen. The entertainer, after some season of trying out and not getting any parts. In any case, trying out tracked down one more method for bringing in cash. Thokozisa found a new line of work as a Uber driver notwithstanding the way in which hazardous it is. The entertainer has spoken about being seized two times while he was at work having his resources taken and his life put in danger.

From Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu Natal, the entertainer had moved to Johannesburg looking for greener fields. Notwithstanding, he understood that positions were difficult to find in the performing expressions industry while he was there. Thokozisa was with a traveler driving them, when he got a call from The creation group at Durban Gen letting him know that he got the job. The entertainer says that he cried when he got the news and could barely comprehend his amazing good fortune.

Thokozisa Ziqubu’s schooling capabilities and acting vocation

Thokozisa Ziqubu graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Live Performance in 2019. He has been included in Mzansi Wethu creations like Ndithande and Amathafa. In any case, he expresses that Durban Gen was his huge break and most huge Television job.

Dr Bhengu began showing up on Durban Gen toward the start of the subsequent season. His personality is a clinical understudy who will say and successfully be in great books with his bosses. In any case, Bhengu experiences shown that he experiences issues with his family as he is the provider with the assistance of his mom. His sisters have a ton of children who they don’t assist with dealing with, and he needs to deal with them.