Matriculant Leaves Mzansi Speechless with her Results:She even got a Car From the Government/Opinion

The Matriculants of 2021 received their results this past week and we have to say most of them did extremely well considering that they were studying through a pandemic where they had to attend 2 to 3 classes a week to avoid being over crowded in a classroom and sometimes the teachers not coming in due to catching covid .We really have to give it to them for achiecving such results.





One particular Matriculants who achieved amazing results is a young lady from Mpumalanga who got 7 distinctions.She also got 100% in mathematics and Physical Science .This young lady is a genius to say the least .

The department of Education even gifted her with a car just to congratulate her on such results .Her results are better than of Saze Bongwe the one who is going to Havard University.But its suprising that she couldn’t get into the university.

The truth is when it comes to such universities its not even about grades if we are being honest .Its all about who you are , your background and connections .That’s why you see only kids from private schools can get in those universities.Kids from Government schools no matter how good they pass will never step into such prestigious University’s. What do you think about this leave a comment down below lets talk about it. Thank you for reading today’s article make sure to like comment and share this article to all your friends and family members. Remember to follow this page for more ground breaking stories like these. See you on the next article.