Halala ‘Uzalo’ actress Gugu Gumede Delivers Good News

Congratulations are in order for Uzalo actress Gugu Gumede, who just disclosed that she is expecting her first child. The expectant mother-to-be posted a lengthy announcement on Instagram on Wednesday, reflecting on how she drew strength from her unborn child when she took the podium at the funeral of her mother, National Freedom Party leader Zanele kaMagwaza-Msibi, who died on September 6 at Umhlanga Hospital in Durban at the age of 59.


“I have frequently been asked where I got the strength to carry on when my mother died, and the answer is that I received it from my unborn kid.” I wasn’t alone during her funeral when I stood at the platform and spoke on behalf of my queen. Inside of me, the strongest heart was pounding, rejuvenating me. I am alive today because of it.” she wrote. Gugu recounted how her pregnancy was a symbol of her mother’s and God’s love for her, and how it had transformed her.

“My darling, you are the answer to your grandmother’s prayer.” She was so thrilled to meet you, and although you didn’t get to meet in the physical realm, I know she is holding you in the spiritual realm right now. “My baby, every motion and every kick of yours within me is proof of both God’s and my mother’s unending love for me.” You have altered my life in unexplainable ways. We can hardly wait to meet you.”