Umndeni: Dabula Clearly Does Not Like Nkanyezi, Here’s Why

Mamkhulu noticed Dabula sitting outdoors with a cup of tea and realized there was something wrong. Dabula was hesitant to speak up about what was upsetting him when she asked him what was bothering him. He chose to talk to Mamkhulu, but he is not looking for guidance. Nkanyezi is on the hunt for Fezile, but he is nowhere to be found.

He was meant to be present for the private birthday party planning, but Nkanyezi and Mamkhulu chose to leave him behind. Nkanyezi was eager to wait for Fezile, but Mamkhulu said they couldn’t because they were already late. Mamkhulu called Dabula because there had been changes in plans, and Dabula was worried.

He is at home finishing his seven days, and he thought Nkanyezi and Mamkhulu sounded inebriated. Jabu, Maseko’s daughter, is perplexed by her father’s marriage. When she inquired about what was going on, Maseko assured her that she would understand fully when she grew older. Maseko told Jabu that he couldn’t have a husband since it’s not feasible.

While Jabu thinks that women can have spouses, Maseko has stated that he would not allow his daughter to have husbands. Maseko has been waiting for his brides for a long time, and he is worried about Covid-19. He’s been hunting for his wife everywhere, and he’s afraid about them carrying Covid-19 with them. Fezile tested positive for Covid-19, but Nkanyezi and Mamkhulu are skeptical.

Nkanyezi suspects that this is one of Fezile’s antics, and that he is doing it for attention since Maseko has a soft place for Fezile. Maseko and his wife will pay a visit to Fezile to see whether his health is very critical. They are aware that they may not be permitted to meet him face to face, but they want to see him through the glass. Maseko further stated that Fezile will be tested again tomorrow morning, and that the findings may differ. Dabula evidently dislikes Nkanyezi, as he stated in tonight’s episode: “Mamkhulu has knowledge, and Nkanyezi has up knowledge.”

Remember to cover yourself in public areas, sterilize, and keep your distance. Keep yourself protected.