beautiful photo of Nicki Minaj and husband

Nicki grew up in a very harsh environment because her father was abusive and a drug addict. Nicki used her God-given talent to escape this situation and make her life better. After being spotted by rapper Lil Wayne, his record company signed with her, and she became one of the largest and best-selling rappers in the world.





Nicki has had romantic relationship throughout her career, but they have not succeeded. She also dated some of her fellow rap singers, but it didn’t work. Most artists her age were already married and had families, but she was just focusing on her career because it wasn’t her time yet. I believe that when it’s your time, God will give you all your heart desires.

Time went and Nicki finally met her soul mate Kenneth Patty, someone she’s dated before she became famous. The couple got married and welcomed a very handsome baby boy.