Meet Rhythm City’s Sabelo’s family in real life, see pictures

Ishmael Songo is South African actor who is well known for his character on etv soapie, Rhythm City. The actor plays the character of Sabelo who used to be the breadwinner of his three siblings, until one if them died in a fire and the other was sent to juvenile. Sabelo is knewly married to Sindiswa and his marriage is not what he hoped for since his now jobless and he’s living with his in-laws.

The 25-year-old actor got into the acting industry at a very young as he also featured in the movie called Tsotsi. Ishmael started off as a supporting cast on Rhythm City, but now he’s one of the most loved characters on the show. While studying at AFDA a lecturer told his class that Rhythm City was looking for a character named Emmanuel.



Ishmael went and auditioned, but didn’t get the role. He then later on heard about Sabelo’s character, and tried his luck again and he begged the role.

In real life the 25 year old actor is a father to two beautiful children, whom he always post the on social and he has a very strong bond with his children. He and his girlfriend, Mbali recently celebrated their anniversary and it seems like the couple is deeply in love with each other.