Lady Zamar dragged on twitter because of rumours

Lady Zamar has been trending on twitter today after someone tweeted and asked who is better between Lady Zamar, Amy Faku, Maski and Simmy oe which concert would you attend if the all hosted on the same day.










Fans answered the tweet and most of them said that they’d attend anyone’s concert but Lazy Zamar. This is due to rape accusations against Sjava about a year ago.

“The hate towards Lady Zamar is a bit too overwhelming for me. It’s beyond misogyny. South African men would much rather believe an alleged rapist purely because “he’s popular” then believe a woman who could’ve endured abuse for years and crucify her.”

“Lady Zamar destroyed her career with trying to smear Sjave with non existing Rape charge.”

“Do you have brothers?.. Let alone fathers??… Stop the emotional blackmail.. Lady Zamar is a vile insane woman yall support every woman that’s toxic on this app”