Dloz’Lami: when someone brings back money you lent them

Dloz'Lami: This is why you should demand EFT when someone brings back money you lent them 

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Watching Dloz’Lami will show you that people are not paranoid when they decide to steer clear of others. Some people smile in your face; lure you into sharing your future plans with them, only to turn around and use ghetto aviation to derail you and keep you stuck in one place. It becomes worse when these people are the same people that you confide in when things don’t go right; giving them the satisfaction that they are winning.

Last night’s episode of Dloz’Lami left so many viewers in awe. Money that was lent to someone in good faith came back laced in muthi to cause the owner havoc in their lives and eventually led to their death. How someone you help, turns around and stabs you in the back is alarming. If anything, it just tells you that even when people are down, they remain evil and wish ill on those who help them



Seeing that last night’s episode showed that you should not take back money that you lent to someone in cash, I think that the safer option is demanding that the person brings the money back through an EFT or bank transfer because in that way, the money that they put in the bank is not the exact one that will get to you. However, I feel it’s safer to actually not give people money because some of them are actually orchestrating your downfall without you knowing.