UthandoNesthembu: MaKhumalo Puts Everyone In Their Place And Demands A Talk With Her Sister

It is all about drama and family politics and whatever you might want to call in the Mseleku household and we finally got to know who’s voice has not been loud enough. One thing that we know is that MaKhumalo has always shown support to her husband and sister wives.

There is obviously some sort of an understanding there, even though it does not seem like it most of the time, we have to understand that these people are a family. At the end of the day, they have each others’ back and we might see this when someone else gets to be part of the family.

If you watched the latest episode of the show, you know that MaKhumalo considers the incoming MaKhumalo a sister. And to all those who are expecting things to take a dirty turn, you just might be disappointed because it really does not seem like MaKhumalo has a problem with Mseleku’s Khumalo girlfriend.

Maybe she is a bit worried about the adjustments that will have to be made, but other than that, she is quite keen to be open to the changes that might happen very soon.


She even mentioned that she wanted to have a conversation with the girlfriend and it seems like that might be interesting. However, we will have to wait and see if Mseleku will allow this to happen, he has been calling the shots a lot lately, even though it seems like he asks permission from his wives.

What ends up happening in the end is what he wanted, so it is more like he just wants suggestions from his wives, they barely have anything to say about what their husband does.

It has been hard, especially for MaKhumalo, it is like she does not have a say in a lot of things. But then again, we will never fully understand how they go about doing things, families are different, no wife has left. Surely, there is a lot that Mseleku does right, and sometimes it is best to just not comment on some things because the Mseleku makes his wives unhappy and then make them happy again.

A lot of people take to twitter every Thursday night to complain about how unfair Mseleku is, but what do the wives think about him, though?

Do they even complain as much as the viewers do? Probably not because in some instances, there is not need to paint Mseleku as the bad guy when his wives think he is not.

We recently found out that MaKhumalo agrees with her husband regarding the matter of the girlfriend and in a way, this was like MaKhumalo put everyone in their place. What do you think

Lalela Mswane might cause a huge drama in the country after she has made top 3 on miss universe

The win that Lalela Mswane has got in Israel after being crowned the second runner-up in Miss Universe has shocked the entire country because of the support that she didn’t get from the government, after Nathi Mthathi announced that she will not represent the country in Israel.

But some organizations came forward to help her with funds so that she can go to that country and represent the country which has caused a huge division for the people of this country, because of the denial that Anc did because of the political matter that is happening on that country.




But some people have started to raise questions about the minister where they said that he must apologies to this lady.

But the reason that the minister did that is also understandable because that country is still using the apartheid system, which might open many wounds to South Africans because of the bad things that have happened to them in the past.

Pearl Modiadie shares her child photos on social media

Pearl Modiadie has done the wonderful thing that has just won the hearts of many people where they follow her on social media, where they have been showing a lot of reaction about her song which has been causing a lot of fun for many people who have seen these pictures on the Twitter and Instagram.




Many people love this child a lot and it looks like he will be lucky as he grows beof the love that he gets from people in this country who follows his mother on social media, which has become the most important thing that any parent will want to see as their children are growing.

Modiadie is one of the ladies that have taken the country by storm with the talent that she has on our television screens.

She had also hosted big events like the Crown Gospel awards that were awarded to the gospel artist in this country about their contribution to the industry.

Pictures Of Tenda From Muvhango With Make-up VS In Real Life

Today we get to meet Tendamudzimu Mudau from Muvhango without make up and see his pictures closely without any filters. Muvhango is one of the top loved series in South Africa that has been on air for the past 21 years. Ever since it got air it has done everything in its power to convince viewers to continue to watching. You can tell that the cast is working so hard to convince its fans to stay tuned to their soap opera. It has so many talented actors who are able to portray their characters in a very exceptional and they are the reason why the cast is one of the best in the country.




Nathaniel Ramabulana acts as Tendamudzimu Mudau. He is a South African actor and producer who has been in the acting industry for a long time. He portrays the character of a plotting and scheming man who would do anything whether legal or illegal just to get what he wants. He acts alongside Gabriel Temudzani. His character seems to be making viewers happy and he has been recorded to be one of the top loved actors in the cast.

Today we get to meet him with no makeup. Masses were left speechless after seeing him without make-up and they were left in shock by what a makeup can do to a person. People could spot the marks he has on his face. He looks more light on screen than in real life. We all know that these actors appear to be more beautiful on screens than in real life. This is to ensure that the cast supplies masses the content with good quality. We often forget the power of makeup in our lives. Actors are always using makeup when they are on screen and when we meet them in real life it tends to look like we are meeting different people yet it is the same person. This is all because of the makeup that they use. Judging from the pictures you can tell that the person we see on the screen is different from the person that we always see in real life. Share your views and follow for more news.

Movhango actor Dingaan becomes a laughing stock after releasing his Amapiano song.

The South African actor turned into a laughing-stock after he performing his Amapiano song on Home Ground sport and music show on Mzansi Magic.

Dingaan Mokebe KaKhumalo is a South African actor who now plays the role of James Motsamai in SABC 2 drama, Muvhango. He is also a a television presenter, voice artist as well as musician. His a former presenter for SABC 2 reality show speak out and currently presenting on Moja love for a show Mamazala.




Dingaan was born in Limpopo but later moved to Johannesburg where he started pursuing his acting career. He recently released his Amapiano song titled “Gabadiya” unfortunately the reception was really bad from people. Some even had to say they lost respect for him. Meanwhile others thought the song was going to be hit only if it was released back in the 90s.

Dingaan was given a platform on home group to promote his song and a small clip of his performance made circles around social media. Here are some reactions from Facebook.

Sad|Former IdolsSA contestant has been assaulted by previous partner

By Nhlanhla Maseko

The battle against Gender Based Violence (GBV)continues with more and more people being victims,assaulted by those supposed to be protecting them.

Nqobile Linda is a South African former Idols SA contestant who once came to the mentioned show to showcase her talent. She is popular known for having given her in the competition even though she did not make it to the top. Nqobile Linda is the latest to recently become a victim of Gender Based Violence (GBV). She was assualted by her previous partner and took to social media sharing pictures while opening about it.

Speaking about her partner abusing her, Nqobile Linda on Instagram said “What was supposed to end as a beautiful night with my sisters on the 9th ended like..Never have i ever in my entire existence felt like i was worthless”.

“I won’t name and shame but i know his day will come. I also hurt him but it wasn’t enought because at the end of the day, he is a man..Imagine being beaten because you’re no longer inlove with someone. Yep, that’s why i was beaten by my ex boyfriend”,Nqobile Linda added.




It is so sad to see things getting worse and more women being beaten by those supposed to be their protectors. The former IdolsSA contestant must press charges and not let him get away with it for as long as there is proof and there are witnesses.

She did well by coming out and revealing what had happened to her so that other people especially women can help her fight gainst abuse suffered in the hands of partners. GBV should continue being fought by all means otherwise many more womem are gonna die in the hands of their partners.

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