Natasha Thahane Gets Trolled for her Picture Before she Became Famous

Actress Natasha Thahane has been the talk of the town over the past couple of weeks, ever since she went on an interview on the controversial Mac G podcast.






In the interview she revealed information that almost got her in trouble and the people that helped her out as well. She revealed that when she wanted to go overseas in the USA to do a course in acting, she needed funds and because she was connected through her families connections in the government, she just picked up the phone and called the former speaker of parliament Mama Baleka Mbete and told her that she wanted to go abroad to study acting, but she needed some funding.

She said that she was given an amount of R1 million to do just that, but now the thing that angered people was the fact that she didn’t even have to go through the proper channels to get the money like other kids who have to fill in application forms and stand in long ques just to get help.

Ever since people have been attacking her on social media telling her that she got by, by tax payers money and that she did not have to work hard for what she has got. They keep telling her to pay back the money, with every chance that they get. As we all know that Natasha is the grand daughter to the late Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu and that she is currently mourning the passing of her grandfather as he just passed away this weekend.