Makhadzi – “I’m not catching feelings, I’m catching flight”

Makhadzi shuts down rumors of being in a relationship with her ex-lover, Master KG, as she claims to be catching flights and not feelings.

In 2020, the two stars announced going their separate ways without any hitch or drama.

However, in recent times, they’ve been seen together serving spicy goals.

A video of the two in a studio went viral weeks ago, and they were being mushy towards each other.

Different hints summed together have made some persons conclude that they are back at dating again.

However, two days ago, the singer went Live on social media, saying she’s not catching any feelings.

In the Live chat, she was about boarding a private jet, and she emphasized on catching flights.

Makhadzi also taught her fans self-love via the video, as she was seen hyping her natural beauty.

Check out video below: