Musa Mseleku Get Criticism After He Refused to Accept This Proposal

Musa Mseleku has been trending lately and his not trending with good reason. We have seen him in national TV asking to take another wife. We have come to realize that he us in polyandry marriage but he does not support the law in written. According to the source polygamist Musa Mseleku is against polyandry the idea.


Accorsing to TimesLIVE it was proposal that polyandry should be legally recognised as a form of marriage sparked a major debate in May this year 2921. Musa Mseleku has already have four wife’s and his looking for fifth wife but Musa would sti not be part of people to support the idea of polyandry being recognised in law. The government want to give women license to cheat wow on the other hand you fighting GBV. Musa is suffering from patriarchy, he thinks that it must only be men who must legally have multiple partners. It has been a debate that even women are having multiple partners as we speak.

Which South African tried has traditionally practiced polyandry that you know of? It shouldn’t be about political correctness. It should be about recognising people’s cultures, traditions and practices. Polygamy is outdated and unnecessary and should be ended simce It only promotes male only. Married couples have side chicks anyway, why not legalize it once. So he likes what he has but is against other people living their lives the same way he does?

His wives must each have husband, who will make them happy since he fail to look at how angry MaCele is and how moody MaNgwabe is, MaYeni is bitter and MaKhimalo is pretending i feel sorry for these women they are not fulfilled, they are lacking happiness.

I personally, I am not against but the format must not be changed because it is the other gender. If a woman decide to take more than one man then you have to propose love and pay lobola and marry and all the responsibility of a man and that will be perfect. These days men have very little responsibility so it wont be a problem. We would love to have our clotges washed n have someone cooking us home cooked meals for a change