Lehasa Is Going To Jail See What’s Going To Happen To Him

Lehasa is beginning to be a stressed man these days later his most unimaginable mysteries are going to be uncovered as a result of the current circumstance that is going on in his life, where Emkay and Eunice have constrained Petersen to return the case which he was taken out onto in the previous months.







With Kgosi attempting to fulfill his youngsters this day, Lehasa is beginning to make his life troublesome where he has recently given him the composed admonition that may make him to lose his employment assuming he keeps on committing such errors before long, and this time things may turn out badly for him.

Since Kgosi has assisted with taking proof of Fannie in Hospital that demonstrates the grimy things that he has done before.

Will this be the finish of Lehasa on the grounds that everybody is running against him and he may go to jail for quite a while?