Before science many black women used to be ridiculed for failing to bear children for their husbands. In extreme cases a younger wife would be introduced to do the job the older one is failing to do.
The arrival of science put women out of their misery by proving that it takes two to make a baby. The problem could come from either the man or the woman.
Doctor Winnie Mashaba has been struggling to have children in her 16 years marriage to her former husband. She claimed that her former husband accused her of being a barren, the insult that cuts so deep many women could never bear to hear it directed to them.
After her marriage ended Doctor Mashaba found herself pregnant obviously from her new man. This absolved her from all those accusations leveled against her for 16 years.
As one of her loyal fans I too am happy she will be bringing new life in to this world. There is no greater joy than the joy of motherhood, congratulations Doctor Winnie Mashaba.