Lehasa Got In Trouble As He Try to crack Who Sent cryptic Note In #SkeemSaam

Lehasa is cracking his skull trying to figure out which one of his enemies sent the cryptic note. With many enemies he has created along the way of his success it’s hard to figure out who could be the new enemies.




We now know that only Mr Mavimbela can deal with Lehasa. The way he keeps reminding him he got no degree it proves that the family is up to something.

After what Lehasa did to Pretty and Fani i don’t feel sorry for him. He deserves Nothile’s family to keep embarrassing him.

Eunice find something which will cost Lehasa’s life. He already started asking Kgosi about the millions which Fani took from him. He won’t even think of Eunice, i hope she doesn’t involve Emkay because he’s very short tempered. I know Emkay will be his first suspect if it’s not the Mavimbelas. Although some may think yhis young lady Eunice will not succeed with her plan, Lehasa might destroy her early.

Eunice it’s the one who’s threatening Lehasa, I feel for her because she’s weak. I see why Eunice didnt bother cleaning, she knows bra Kgosi will soon sweep for her.

Eunice must deal with Lehasa’s for Fani’s justice, he must see the ghost. He must also go to jail like Meikie. These people with money they think they’re above the law, they can do whatever they want haaa man. l hate what he did, now we’re missing Fani because of him, he has to pay for everything he did.

Yu never know maybe it’s Eunice who is going take Might lehassa the man down. Eunice will eventually be the richest. I mean she got the crypto and that’s were funie invented all his stolen money.